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The WarZ

The WarZ - SKIDROW - Full Game Emulator

WarZ is a survival MMO Game, A huge world that you can Explore, Scavange, Kill, and you have to survive the whole Zombie Apocalypse, No Classes, No Levels, No Caps!
Two Model Of Play : Normal and Hardcore, 

Download :

Part 1 - Part 2 | Total Size : 1.50GB
Password :


Skidrow Cracks, Proudly Presents!
The WarZ Emulator..
1. Download full game
2. Extract the files and run WarZlauncher.exe (wait for the game to update). 
3. Now open emulator client - crack folder
It will contain three files named WarZ.exe, WarZlauncher.exe, and game.ini. 

Extract these three files and overwrite the original files in The WarZ folder located in your Program Files. 

4. You will need to access your hosts file by doing one of the following: 

Go to: "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc" 

5. Right click on the hosts file, select Properties, and uncheck the Read-Only option (so you can edit the file). Open the hosts file in Notepad. 
Go to the end of file and add this line: 

6. You're done! Now save, exit, and enjoy! 
Register an account using the 'registration' button on the launcher.

Gameplay :

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